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The type of product

Product Family
Product Family

Used to identify and differentiate offerings within a particular product line. Product families are typically treated as adjectives. It is not recommended to use the product line (ex: Wiremold®) and product family names (Evolution™) together. This will introduce a level of unnecessary confusion for the audience.


A device used to join electrical conductors and create an electrical circuit. Select the first desired connector on the one end of a cable, then a list of Connector 2 will appear to select the second connector on the other end.

Cable Length
Cable Length

The distance of cable measured from end to end


The key, differientiating characteristics of a product

Product Certifications

Trust in quality and compliance. Use this filter to find products that have undergone thorough testing and evaluation to ensure they meet the quality and safety standards for a wide range of certifications.

Warranty Type
Warranty Type

The type of product warranty that is available

HDBT Cat6a Cables

Rely on C2G for HDBaseT-certified Cat6a cables, designed handle bandwidth-intensive HD AV applications from HDBaseT extenders. Tested and validated for superior performance, these cables are perfect for where greater distance requirements are needed between a source and a display. Choose the right-sized HDBaseT cable for your system from our wide selection.

16 Products available